Patricia Hanaford, LLC
Parenting Adolescents
Parenting is the most difficult and most important job that most of us will do in our lifetimes. The results of our efforts can last a lifetime for us and our child. Yet, most of us do not receive any training for this important effort.
Parenting adolescents is even more difficult than parenting young children. Adolescents talk back, and often! They are also out of our sight much more. Then, anything can happen.
If you are having problems with your adolescent, or want to avoid having problems, please call for an appointment so that I can help you set up appropriate boundaries, incentives, house rules and values with your adolescent.
I have over 15 years experience teaching hundreds of parents to parent their adolescents lovingly and effectively. Most parents have said that they feel empowered to take back parental control upon completing my class. Some parents have said that their relationship with their adolescent was actually transformed in 8 weeks.
Contact me at 248-444-9979 to begin learning strategies that child development experts and the corresponding research say work!